
How Long Will My New Heat Pump Last?

Selecting a new heat pump for your home is a significant decision that impacts comfort, energy efficiency, and long-term savings. Understanding the life expectancy of a heat pump and what influences its durability can help you make an informed choice and ensure your investment lasts as long as possible.

4 Common Yet Preventable Commercial HVAC Repairs

If you own or manage a commercial building, you know the importance of ensuring the comfort of your tenants. Just as important is avoiding unnecessary costs incurred by unnecessary repair work. The good news is, there are many kinds of commercial HVAC repairs that are, indeed, preventable. Local heating and air conditioning company Schmitt takes a look at some of the most common ones:

How Long Do Heat Pumps Typically Last?

Like all other types of heating systems, heat pumps have an expected life span. Knowing how long it will last will help you plan HVAC maintenance, as well as prepare for its eventual replacement, while ensuring your home’s comfort and reducing the risks of unexpected breakdowns. In today’s post, heating repair company Schmitt Heating & Air Conditioning takes a look at how long heat pumps typically last, and how you can get the most years out of yours.

HVAC Maintenance Resolutions for 2023

With the new year comes new opportunities in doing things like getting more home maintenance done this year, HVAC maintenance in particular. In today’s post, Schmitt Heating & Air Conditioning shares some heating and cooling maintenance habits that you should start getting into this year.

Tips on How to Protect Your HVAC Warranty

Every new HVAC system comes with a warranty that covers repairs or replacement due to defects in the equipment — and sometimes even problems with the installation. However, there are certain conditions that may render your warranty coverage void, and in today’s post, AC repair company Schmitt shares tips on how to protect your HVAC warranty from this.

Why Do Heat Pumps Trip Circuit Breakers?

Turning on your heat pump for the first time of the season can sometimes trip the circuit breaker, which is a relatively normal occurrence. However, if this happens frequently, it could be a sign of a problem that needs corrected. In today’s post, the HVAC contractors at Schmitt share a look at what causes heating systems to trip the circuit breaker and what can be done to prevent this.

Causes of Overflowing Air Conditioning Condensate Pans

The condensate pan is the part of your air conditioning system that collects dripping condensation and moves it away via a drain line. An overflowing condensate pan can cause problems such as mold and corrosion, or even damage to the air conditioner’s electrical components.

How to Prevent Clogged Air Conditioning Drains

Air conditioning drains, or condensate drains, are the pipes that expel excess moisture from your air conditioner. It’s important to keep these pipes clear to prevent potential air conditioner problems, which you won’t want to happen, given the warm months to come. Read more

Is Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality Getting Worse?

With the heating season in full swing, homeowners across the nation are scrambling to get their heating repair and maintenance needs taken care of right away. As you do, don’t forget to include your indoor air quality (IAQ) levels on your list of routine HVAC tasks to be done. Read more

A Comprehensive Furnace Maintenance Checklist

With the days becoming cooler, it’s time to make sure your furnace is prepared for the coming winter months. In this blog, heating and cooling contractor Schmitt Heating & Air Conditioning shares a complete pre-winter furnace maintenance checklist.