Your HVAC Tune-Up Checklist: What You Need to Know

While you don’t need to be an HVAC expert, it’s in your best interest to have at least a fundamental understanding of how your heating and cooling system works. This basic knowledge will come in handy during situations such as tune-ups so you can be sure your service company isn’t cutting corners.

Ideal Thermostat Settings for the Summer Season

It’s tempting to set the thermostat too low during the summer season and revel in the resulting blast of cold air. However, this won’t just result in higher energy bills: it could also damage your air conditioning system. In this blog, AC repair contractor Schmitt Heating & Air Conditioning discusses how sticking to recommended thermostat

The Importance of Controlling Relative Indoor Humidity

Humidity control is an essential part of maintaining good indoor air quality. It’s important to note that indoor humidity levels are relative to the season; therefore, they vary throughout the year. In this blog, residential cooling company Schmitt shares an overview of why maintaining proper indoor humidity levels is so important.

4 Benefits of Switching to a Smart Thermostat

If you’re planning on doing an air conditioning installation, consider upgrading your thermostat too. Getting a smart device can change the way your HVAC system works for you.

Interesting Facts About HEPA Filters

HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters lead the way when it comes to air purification. The MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating, which measures HVAC filter efficiency, ranges from 1 to 16, and HEPA filters go beyond MERV 16.

Why the Days of R-22 Are Numbered

R-22 is perhaps the most popular air conditioner refrigerant today. It’s in the hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) group, a series of chemicals that replaced the notoriously ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). But HCFCs are just a Band-Aid solution, and, like all “bandages”, they must be changed eventually.

4 FAQs About HVAC TAB (Testing, Adjusting and Balancing)

Testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB) is an essential yet underrated commercial HVAC maintenance task. Many building owners and property managers don’t appreciate it’s importance, not because it’s overstated but rather becaise it isn’t explained well enough.

Managing Spring Allergies at Home

Many people look forward to the spring season because of the beautiful weather and longer days perfect for spending time outdoors and taking leisurely walks. Others dread springtime, however, because of the allergies it triggers. Residential heating company Schmitt Heating & Air Conditioning shares an overview of how you can manage spring allergies in your

How to Improve Energy Efficiency In Server Rooms

With the high number of computer equipment running at any given time, server rooms have big energy requirements, not to mention the massive amount of cooling needed to prevent any of them from overheating. Heating and cooling expert Schmitt discusses the ways you can improve server room energy efficiency.

3 Types of Whole-House Humidifiers

Whole-house humidifiers, along with ventilators, air purifiers and UV lamps, can improve your home’s overall indoor air quality. And unlike other HVAC appliances and devices, they can also significantly alleviate the many health problems associated with the coldest months of the year.